Our Mission
We’re a non-profit organization working to grow the games industry into a safer and more equitable space by fostering community and providing opportunities for people of color.
Theory of Change
The games industry suffers from a lack of BIPOC representation and diversity.
Lack of supportive communities and safe spaces in school and at work
Lack of awareness and encouragement to pursue game development due to societal and cultural pressures
Lack of representation in high visibility roles and leadership positions
Our Approach
Facilitate the formation of professional relationships through structured programs and guided materials
Build community through online spaces and networking events, with safety as a top priority
Showcase members of our community via interviews, talks, and features
Maintain open communication and transparency, ensuring our programs are aligned with and catered to the needs of the individuals within our community
Our Impact
More professional connections in a tumultuous industry increases odds of a healthy and thriving career
Increased understanding around gamedev as a career in BIPOC communities
Increased representation allows people to visualize themselves in the industry
More experiences being shared shines a light on areas of the industry that need improvement or can be emulated
Our Goals for Long-term Change
Increased career longevity for BIPOC in games, increasing likelihood of leadership positions
Increased representation leads to increased confidence and self-esteem in the BIPOC community and decreases unconscious bias in all
More diverse backgrounds leads to more stories being told by those with lived experiences, decreasing the use of harmful stereotypes, tokenism, and typecasting
A more connected and supportive community results in more awareness around the unique issues BIPOC face in the workplace, and better equips people to safely navigate through them